Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween 2012 - Mario Riding Yoshi

Yes, it's impossible for me to do anything without driving myself crazy. Even with Xander's Halloween costume. He was happy with being "just Toad". In fact, that's all he kept saying to me BUT being me was not going to be happy with "just Toad". I wanted Mario riding Yoshi. Not just Yoshi. Not just Mario. Mario Riding Yoshi!! So I set off to find a tutorial or anything to give me some idea how I was going to accomplish this crazy over the top task. I scoured the internet and didn't find much of anything but images of other awesome DIY Craft Gods homemade creations. Errrrr, I love to craft but I am no sewing goddess. So here is my attempt at Mario Riding Yoshi. Thanks to some felt, a red sweatshirt and dinosaur costume I frankensteined up into Yoshi my kid will have the coolest Halloween costume ever....
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Next Stop Hogwarts!!

I know, I know!! It's been way too long. I guess you can say I am terrible at this blogging thing. But I have been super busy with our Xander's World shop an creating some new cool shirts that you won't see anywhere else. I also want to give a go at this Pinterest thing. Since, you know I love telling you all about the cool things I find, this awesome site does that times 100!! So I am starting my first "official" board. Knowing me is knowing I AM A POTTER FREAK!! In my house, we have Harry Potter on at least once a day if not a whole marathon. So here we go enjoy my Potter board. Follow me on Pinterest by click on the link to the right ;o) Shirt photo courtesy of Xander's World Tumbler courtesy of Abby Bear Boutique